Course curriculum

    1. Fluence Welcome Video

    2. Welcome to Your Psychedelic Therapy Learning Journey

    3. Welcome to the Course

    4. Complete your onboarding

    5. Continuing Education (CE) & Record of Completion

    6. Key Terms

    7. References

    1. Chapter 1 Summary - Foundations

    2. The Experience of Psychedelics

    3. Roundtable: Defining Psychedelics

    4. Contextual Note

    5. The Psychedelic Experience

    6. Test Your Knowledge: Factors of a Psychedelic Experience

    7. State of the Psychedelics Field

    8. Context: Traditions of Psychedelic Use

    9. Connecting the Shamanic and Psychotherapeutic Perspectives

    10. Psychedelic Emergence in the Clinic and Research

    11. The Psychedelic "Renaissance"

    12. Contemporary Psychedelic Practices

    13. The Classes of Psychedelics

    14. Psychedelic Clinical Trials

    15. Test Your Knowledge: Evolution of the Psychedelic Landscape

    1. Chapter 2 Summary - Psychedelic Practice Fundamentals

    2. Section Introduction: Psychedelic Practice Fundamentals

    3. Language: Medicine as a Word

    4. The Mystical Experience

    5. Introduction to Mindfulness

    6. Roundtable: Ethics

    7. Roundtable: Addressing Minority Stress & Trauma in Psychedelic Care

    8. Core Psychedelic Therapy Concepts

    9. Screening and Intake

    10. Inner Healing Intelligence

    11. Test Your Knowledge: Core Concepts

    12. The Magic Bullet

    13. The Magic Carpet

    14. Test Your Knowledge: Managing Expecations

    15. Preparation Overview

    16. Ask-Tell-Ask

    17. Set & Setting

    18. Roundtable: Preparation

    19. Test Your Knowledge: Preparation

    20. What to Expect in a Dosing Session

    21. Roundtable: Challenging Experiences

    22. Test Your Knowledge: Dosing

    23. Integration Overview

    24. Integration Roundtable

    25. Test Your Knowledge: Integration

    26. Roles in Psychedelic Therapy

    1. Chapter 3 Summary - PHRI Fundamentals

    2. Section Intro - PHRI Fundamentals

    3. Psychedelic Harm Reduction & Integration: a Transtheoretical Model

    4. Assessment in Integration

    5. Preparation and Information Sharing in PHRI

    6. Integration in PHRI

    7. Getting Started with PHRI in Your Practice

    8. Test Your Knowledge: Foundations of PHRI

    1. Chapter 4 Summary - Ketamine

    2. Section Intro & Context: Ketamine

    3. Introduction to Ketamine

    4. Test Your Knowledge: History of Ketamine

    5. Ketamine Mechanisms of Action

    6. Test Your Knowledge: Ketamine Mechanisms of Action

    7. Ketamine Subjective Effects

    8. Test Your Knowledge: Ketamine Subjective Effects

    9. Ketamine - Voices from the Field

    10. Ketamine and Your Practice

    1. Chapter 5 Summary - Psilocybin

    2. Section Intro & Context: Psilocybin

    3. Early Psilocybin Research

    4. How Does Psilocybin Work?

    5. What Psilocybin Does in Research Settings

    6. Test Your Knowledge: Foundations of Psilocybin

    7. Psilocybin for Cancer

    8. Psilocybin for Depression

    9. Psilocybin and Alcohol Use Disorder

    10. Psilocybin and Other Indications

    11. The Future of Psilocybin Research

    12. Differentiating the Roles of Psilocybin Work

    13. Psilocybin in PHRI Practice

    14. Psilocybin: Voices from the Field

    15. Psilocybin in the World

    16. Continued Exploration of Psilocybin

    17. Test Your Knowledge: Psilocybin Applications

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 101 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content